Get your hands on wide-neck bottles. Want to be the super mom you ARE?
I know it breaks your heart to see your child cry when introducing a bottle instead of breastfeeding.
But, MOMS aren't only moms; they're more than that. Whether it is work, leaving your child with a nanny, or even working at home, you can't just be available all the time.
Not to mention the sore, cracked nipples, and sometimes there isn't enough milk production also. But, the biggest of all problems is that: the baby is not latching properly to the nipples.
Therefore, today we're introducing the best wide neck baby bottles. This skill will be hard to imbibe, but you and your precious body that has gone through pain will have time to breathe and rest when it’s done. Babies are smart; they’ll catch up easily. So the biggest problem that arises is:
It's a skill that needs time and patience. Firstly, milk should be of the temperature equivalent to the milk from the breast.
Continue switching from feeding with a bottle to feeding with breast. Develop it as a routine, so it becomes a habit.
- The Trump card for this is that the bottle is shaped in breasts, so it's easy for the baby to latch.
- Most infants love this wide-shaped bottle as it is easy to latch on and is shaped similar to that of the breast.
- This also allows the babies to get involved with the entire nipple, which they like.
- Recommended milk flow for infants is preferred to be slow since they are learning to suck and swallow. Wide neck bottles provide the same condition similar to infants.
- The best wide neck bottles are the ultimate comfort for the baby as well as the feeder.
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